Sun 12 Jan
LAST NIGHT HERE ! ThE B_aNiNg x_X_x BoDy BeAuTy - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, 38DD - 26 - 40 INCHES OF HOT A.$$ )
bIG SHo0t}🍼9inch💦😜🍆💦👑❗️💯HUNG 💕TOP&BTTM;🍆💦╠╣UNG⇨➋➍/➆{💋I ❤️TOP&BTM; BOYS💋}🍆💦HEAVY SHOOTER - 24
Sexy, Passable, PRE-OP SHEMALE! Wanna Have a Time? - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa)
- [ ] 💘🔵🔴▪️◾️▪️ 🔴GORGEOUS🔵 🔵🔴🔵🔴LUXURIOUS☀💙☀GOLDTIME ▪️◾️◼️◾️▪️★★◼️◾️▪️★★- [ ] 💘🔵🔴▪️◾️▪️ - 27
(Boca raton, West Palm Beach)
Sat 11 Jan
BEWARE!! Fake Ad! I'm a REAL girl not a fucking man! 818-915-0351 - 22
Passionate Seducing Provider, Im Waiting For You!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, Downtown and Surrounding)
Beautiful white Tall ...Thick TS here! (available anytime!!) ( I live in Greensboro) - 25
(Greensboro. (private apartment), Winston / Salem)
Enjoy a Real Transsexual! Click Here to Contact Me >> - 19
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
hello gentlelemen my name carolina beutiful trancesual latina exotica - 26
(Orlando, orlando conway road)
◤♥◢ €XÂC†L¥ •♥• WH† _U_ Ñ€€Ð •♥• NÂUGHT¥ TR€@T •♥• WARM •♥• R€ÂП &R;€ÂL JU!CY•♥• -video inside❤️ - 21
(St. Louis, Airport)
MISS MANDINGO'S The Shemale Plumber With A Massive Plunger! 10 1/2In Of Raunchy Co©k! - 30 - 26
(medical center area, North West, San Antonio)
I am a Trans Girl but Nobody Has to Know... - 19
(Brownsville-Matamoros, Corpus Christi, Del Rio, Laredo, McAllen, San Antonio, Victoria)
happy Cinco Demyo !!!T R E A T * Y O U R S E L F * T O * A * S E X Y * M A T U R E * B E A U T Y - 20
(Tallahassee, N monroe)
@@@@@@@@ Quality TopNotch TS here for Your Genuine Experience @@@@@@@ - 32
(Houston, 59 & S.GESSNER)
❤️🔥I10 & Blalock ❤️ 🔥President🔥❤️ Sexy 🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥Latina🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 TS🔥❤️🔥❤️ Nikki call Me 9293307103 ❤️🔥 - 19
(Houston, I10 & blalock)
Act Fast If You Wanna Make My Fully Loaded 9mm SHOOOOTTT. Special Only Today Come On Dont Be Shy. - 23
(St Louis - Central West End, Central west end)
★ Attrative ☆ Sexy ☆ Passable ☆ Transexual for you!!! ★ (602) 295-8907 - 25
(Phoenix, Central and Indian school)
💋💋 █ ♥ █▬ ► UPSCALE HOTTIE▬ █ ♥ █▬► 💋 TS Cassie 💋 ◄▬ █ ♥ █ ▬ AVAILABE 24/7 ▬█ ♥█ - 21
Wanna have the time of your life??? - 24
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, everywhere)
°o ♥ o° 4/1/12 (( ✰ Always On Duty ✰ )) UNTIL °o ♥ o° - 24
(Winston / Salem, ***501***288***9472****HANES MALL BLVD)
avaliable Now ✿✿visit my¸.WEBSI•° &video; ღ¸☆ I'm a SeXY and Real SHEMALE ✿✿¸•°*ღ¸☆ Top&Bottom; ✿✿*ღ¸☆ - 23
(Orlando, visiting International drive call now)
1 ST . VISIT IN ORLANDO, Awarded Americas Most Up & Coming FILM Star.. Ts Kelly K..8133790195 - 25
(Orlando, International, convention center area)
Last night🛫Ts.Kiara in Town the real deal don't missed last night🛫💦💦💦💦 full for you - 25
(Internacional drive, Orlando)
REaL DeAL! busty & HuNG DoiMINICaNA Vers, 81/2 So CaLL 4 Go0D TiMe SpESIaL - 22
(phoenix ..CUMM GET IT)
👸🏼👑💕 IN ODESSA!! Why settle for Raggedy Ann 👆👇when you can have Barbie!👄 READ REVIEWS - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
Baby Come My Way 314-527-9966 I got What u Need Remy ready now - 24
(Old Halls Ferry & 270, St. Louis)
Fri 10 Jan
LOLA THE Party Monster VISTING Town LOVE TO parTy...Come Feed your Curiousity - 28
(St. Louis, st louis downtown)
Sexy, Thick, Red, & Lovely!! Available Anytime For Incalls Only. TS Carmyn (312)257-4844 Anytime! - 23
(Winston / Salem, Winston Salem/ Greensboro)
Pretty, Sexy, Everything You Want.. Real Beauty!
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, Downtown and Surrounding)
Last day ⛔️ ✋🏽Stop RiGHT💪🏽💦 ⚠️ HERΞ 🚨 ⇉ FLaWLeSS 🍌Thick and juicy 🍌 BeAUtY ⇉👉💯%REAL N0️⃣FAKE🎯 Uŋƒoŗŗgєтαв - 25
(Conway (inc-out🚘 🎉 Lastdayhere, Orlando)
▅ ▆ ▇ Wed. $pecials ★°•9"FFTop/Bttm •° ☆B€TTËR THAN H€R⇧ÄND HÊR⇩★▅ ▆#❶PICK ☎•Ts Onyx★ - 21
(St. Louis, Bridgeton (270 & St.Charles Rck Rd.))